This website is intended for residents of the United States of America interested in Phenylketonuria, also called PKU


Tools, resources & support for people with PKU

Explore some of the most commonly used resources:


Contact a BioMarin Account Manager for information about your PKU journey


Join an educational event for people with PKU

symptom checker icon

PKU affects everyone differently—take note of how it affects you


Ready to start the conversation with your healthcare team?

Browse the full library

Downloadable resources

Impact of high PHE

Symptoms of high blood Phe levels vary from person to person. Learn how high blood Phe levels may be affecting you and what you can do about it.

Clinical Discussion Guide

This tool can help you start the conversation with your healthcare team about finding the right PKU management plan for you.

My PKU Symptom Tracker

PKU affects everyone differently—use this questionnaire to note how its symptoms affect you.

Collecting Blood Phe at Home

Learn how to collect your blood Phe at home.


Explore our collection of recipes specifically developed for people with PKU.

Interactive tools

Video resources